Lakeside Wedding Pics

A wedding is one of the most important occasions in a couple’s life together. It is more than the signing of legal documents, more than the exchange of rings and other valuables. A wedding means uniting two souls, it is a definite and powerful declaration of love before a couple’s…

Unforgettable Wedding Day Photos

Unforgettable Wedding Day Photos There are a variety of different ways in which a couple remembers their wedding day. They relive walking down the aisle and dancing until midnight when they see their shoes, they remember conversing with every guest when they open their gifts. However, no wedding is remembered…

Summer Wedding Photos

Choosing the right weather for your wedding can be challenging.  In Melbourne we are blessed to be able to have any type of wedding you like as there are positives that come along with all seasons.   The overcast conditions of Winter provide excellent lighting conditions for vivid photos. An autumn…